The "Japanese Encephalitis" One

Here’s some Japanese Encephalitis 101 information for parents


How many times has a sick child left you feeling confused, overwhelmed or anxious? 

As a Mum of 2 myself, I get it. It’s hard to stay rational once the sickness hits! (Who knew parenting could be so rough?!)

But what if you were armed with evidence-based education so you felt confident and reassured when those inevitable bouts of sickness struck? 

I’ve combined my almost 15 years of nursing experience with the practicalities of being a parent to deliver an online course that will take you from scared to prepared when dealing with illnesses—and I’ve put it all in language that’s easy to understand. 

Normal or Not teaches the framework I use to make all of my decisions around sickness in kids, whether it’s my own boys at home or sick children in hospital. Get access to the course here

For more information about JEV have a read through these:,consequence%20of%20a%20JEV%20infection 

Penny Blunden